Our 3.5 hour class schedule is flexible and varies daily, depending on children’s interests and needs,
but below is an example of what your child’s day may look like:

Meet & Greet
(15 mins)
  • Explore the room, Greet friends and educators
  • A morning meeting time to introduce our planned activities
Indoor Free Play Time
(90 mins)
  • Free choice of activities including open-ended art, dramatic play,
    science exploration and more!
  • Open snack time
Circle time
  • A group time with stories, games, music and movements
Get ready for outside (20mins)
  • A great opportunity for children to learn self-help skills by putting
    outdoor gear on by themselves
  • Walk to the park together
Outdoor time
(60 mins)
  • Gross motor activities such as sports and group games
  • Sensory activities and using playground equipment
  • Nature walks 
Closing Circle & Pick up time
(15 mins)
  • Story time and quiet activities to wrap up the day
  • Pick up time

Our 2024/25 Preschool year has now begun! Join our preschool community!